The association “Industrie 4.0 Österreich – die Plattform für intelligente Produktion” was founded in 2015. In a broad alliance, important social, political, economic and scientific actors play an active part in shaping the future world of production and work. This is intended to contribute to increasing future prosperity for all people in Austria. The aim is to use the new technological developments and innovations of digitization (Industry 4.0) in the best possible way for companies and employees and to shape the change in a socially acceptable way for society.

The association implements activities

to ensure a dynamic development of the Austrian manufacturing sector
to accelerate research, innovation and qualification
to a high quality working environment as well
to contribute to a high level of employment.

Founding members of the association are:

Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit)

further in alphabetical order:

Bundesarbeitskammer (BAK)
Fachverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie (FEEI)
Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie (FMTI)
Industriellenvereinigung (IV)
Produktionsgewerkschaft (PRO-GE)

You can find detailed information on the partner website of Industrie 4.0 Österreich

Industrie 4.0 Österreich Website